Features Multi Windows Android Device with Multitasking 2.3 +
Features Multi Windows Android Device with Multitasking 2.3 + -Basically , the Android operating system is not designed for multi- windows . Even so , some major vendors ( Samsung for example ) have applied the concept of multiple windows on Android devices made in them , so you can open multiple applications simultaneously on one screen .
What is a multi windows? If you are a user of the Microsoft Windows operating system , we can be sure never open multiple windows or windows simultaneously ( Explorer , Office Word , and Winamp for example ) . The windows that you can resize , move its position , minimize.
Well , by using multi windows , you can easily move from one window to another window , perform various activities are ( almost ) the same or better known as multi-tasking ( internet browsing and watching video , for example ) .
Multitasking 2.3 + |
Not long ago , an Android application that allows users to use multi windows , released on Play Store ( actually many applications of this kind , but we recommend you try this app before trying anything else) . The application is called multitasking .
Multitasking for this Android app offers a variety of applications which you often use everyday at ( browser , calculator , notes , calendar , camera , compass , etc. ) , in the form of windows bertampilan Holo flexible ( can be resized , moved its position , and so on ) . Multitasking is suitable for Android tablets ( with a relatively large screen ) , but did not rule out the possibility for use on Android phones .
Multitasking is available in two options , the Free and Pro ( with additional features and no advertisements ) , and can be installed on devices with Android 2.3 and above. Once installed , you can select applications built Multitasking is available in the sidebar ( which by default ) on the left side of the screen ( swipe to the right to open it ) .
Through the sidebar , you can open multiple applications at once , resize it ( with pinch to zoom or drag the bottom right corner of the window ) , move the position ( just drag the top of the application ) , make it full screen , hide it , or close it .
Only that ? As usual , the answer is no , you can dig further into this to try multitasking applications directly on your Android device . Well , for those who crave multi windows on your Android device , app multitasking is worth a try.
Features Multi Windows Android Device with Multitasking 2.3 +